(Cupertino, CA) Apple Corporation has finally declared all out war on Microsoft and the ubiquitous Microsoft Windows. Using what many are calling the most clever and devastating virus to have ever been used, the new iTunes 8 virus is quickly spreading and affecting Microsoft Windows Vista machines.

The iTunes 8 virus attacks machines installed with Microsoft Windows Vista. After a machine is infected, every time users connect an iPhone or iPod to their machines they’re getting Microsoft’s dreaded “blue screen of death,” the mystifying error message that signifies a PC meltdown. Some computers abruptly shut down and restart.

McAfee, Inc. makers of the popular line of antivirus solutions have activated their emergency response team to diagnose how the iTunes 8 virus replicates and infects machines. As of this moment, they have been unsuccessful in removing or disabling the virus. David DeWalt, Chief Executive Officer and President of McAfee admitted surprise in the bold attack by Apple Corporation. He said,

“Well it finally looks like Steve Jobs has acted on his threat of revenge against Microsoft Corporation. His hatred of Bill Gates and the company he founded has never been a secret, but most of us in the industry never thought he would make good on his promise to punish Bill. Steve patiently waited until Bill’s retirement and then launched the virus.

It’s very clear that Steve has been planning this for some time. The sophistication of the virus and the elegant way it spreads shows that the virus has been under development for years. We are especially stumped by how the virus encompasses several levels, because not only does it require infecting a Windows Vista machine but it also disables their iPhone or iPod. Which is like everyone right? It’s clear that Apple has declared war on Microsoft Vista users.”

In an uncharacteristic appearance, Steve Jobs, Chairman and CEO of Apple Inc, released a brief statement.

“Essentially, we’re sick of Microsoft and all their Microsoft Windows bullshit. As we continue to try to emphasize the importance of design and the crucial role aesthetics play in public appeal, they continue to produce crappy software that is just a plain annoyance. It seems that the farther forward we push the development of products that are both functional and elegant they respond with products that are barely functional and retarded.

Now that we’ve made everyone dependent on either the iPhone or iPod, we just refuse to allow them to work with Microsoft Windows Vista. This is war, either find a Macintosh to get your iPhone or iPod to work or by all means go out and get a Zune. Man every time we look at that piece of shit it makes us puke and then fall down laughing so hard that we are rolling in our own puke.

And to all you antivirus experts out there. Good luck cracking the iTunes 8 virus. We’ve incorporated some very advanced artificial intelligence that will make the virus mutate randomly, basically making it impossible to remove. Only your complete and utter surrender and adoption of Macintosh will stop the iTunes 8 virus. And to think, just a couple of weeks I was reported dead. Now I’m finally on the top of the world!”

source: fakenews.today.com


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